Simple winter cake

December 06, 2016

Simple winter cake

The good thing about winter is lots of cookieeeeees...and cakes :D Here is one super easy cake that is also pretty healthy. Ah yeah, and it’s cheap also. The only bad thing is that it won’t worm you up in the cold winter days (because it is served cold) but with a tea or a coffee you’ll be very worm and happy!

For eight people you will need:

·        0,15 l of mineral water

·        0,2 l of vegetable oil (with a neutral taste)

·        4 coffee cups of brown sugar

·        6,5 coffee cups of whole wheat flower

·        2 table spoons of oat bran

·        1 table spoon of baking powder

·        ½ of a lemon (the jus and the grated zest)

·        Jus of ½ grapefruit.

Preparation: I am a pretty impatient person so I simply mix all of the ingredients at once (although you should mix the dry ingredients and than slowly add the liquid ones). Put it in a baking tray 30x30 approximately (it is a biiiiig cake) and bake at 180 degrees 20 minutes.

When it’s done prepare the dip (’cause you’ll need a cold cake for the next steep):

·        0,25 l of milk (I use vegetable milk)

·        200g of dark chocolate

·        5 table spoons of brown sugar

Use a wide pot for this...worm up the milk, add the sugar and the chocolate and mix until you get a god uniform mass.

Slice the cold cake on cubes (3x3 cm) and than dip it for few seconds in warm dipping, on each side.

And for decoration:

·        200g of coconut flower or coconut flakes.


After dipping, put the cake cubes immediately in the coconut flower/flakes and than leave it on the side.

When you’re done put the cake in fridge and leave it there until serving.


Can’t wait to eat it J Enjoy!





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