Internships in Lausanne, Switzerland and Cochabamba Bolivia

July 07, 2016

Have you ever wanted to be part of a young and energetic organization on a mission to help make this a better world?

If so, you should definitely consider bB for your internship! Depending on your availability and school requirements, we offer internships which can go anywhere from 3 to 6 months.

Areas of internships include:

- Sales, Marketing, Photography and PR for Switzerland

- Production, Product design, Product and Model Photography and Graphic Design for Bolivia.

Please note that our internships are not easy (that means... you work hard!) but are extremely fun at the same time :)

Prospect MUST have a strong interest in Social Entrepreneurship, Women's Empowerment, Poverty Reduction as well as Child Education.

Want to inquire more about open opportunities? Simply shoot us an email with your motivation letter + CV to

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